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About Us:

We are a non-profit dedicated to provide services to seniors to live safely and securely in their own community. We provide no-cost and low cost services for people over the age of 60 and their family and friends. We strive to be there for seniors and caregivers to find resources to help them maintain or regain their independence. 


We understand that every senior has unique needs and preferences. That's why we offer a diverse range of programs designed to cater to various interests, from health and wellness activities to social gatherings and transportation.


We are dedicated to enhancing the lives of local senior citizens through thoughtfully crafted programs and unwavering community support.


Our Mission:

To establish a community-based network of volunteers and professionals to provide services to Paynesville area adults which will support the highest quality of life.

If you are 60 or better, living in the Paynesville area, this program can help. Our team is comprised of dedicated professionals and volunteers who share a common goal- to provide comprehensive and compassionate support for our elders.


We believe in fostering connections, promoting well-being, and ensuring that every individual enjoys their golden years to the fullest.

Our Staff:


Program Director: Inez Jones

Director of Programs & Marketing:  Ashley King


Service Coordinator: Kelly Speldrich

Board Members:

Board Chair: Butch Mueller

Vice Chair: Lynn Lange 

Treasurer: Jan Eggert 

Secretary: Jennifer Ryan

Members at Large: Deanna Fuchs, Lil Jacobson, Carolyn Swyter, Don Winter, Jane Monson & Marsha Mead

Ex Officio: Inez Jones & Kelly Speldrich



Service and document supported in part by Central MN Council on Aging as part of the Older Americans Act Program and a Live Well at Home Grant from Minnesota Department of Human Resources.

Additional Resources:

Senior Linkage Line: 1-800-333-2433


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