Paynesville Area Living at Home Block Nurse Program
R.O.S.E Center

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Training 2018

We are always looking for additional volunteers to help.
The seniors within our community depend on us and the reward you will receive by being a volunteer is priceless. Stop in and talk to us about it.
DRIVING - Provide occasional rides to medical appointments and social events. Drivers use their own vehicles and are reimbursed mileage. This is very flexible! You can drive as little or as often as you want.
CHORES - Handyman services, housekeeping, snow removal, lawn care. These services are provided on an as-needed basis.
ONE-TIME/SINGLE EVENT - We often need volunteers on a one-time basis (e.g. holiday meal prep, holiday meal delivery)
Please contact Ashley,
by calling 320-243-5144,
to set up an appointment to apply.